Understanding your aquarium

What is the Nitrogen Cycle?

Why should I use Aqualibrium salt in my

What is New Tank Syndrome?

What does my filter do?

Testing your Aquarium Water

Measuring Interpet Treatments

How to do an aquarium water change

How to do a water change and clean your aquarium

Understanding Fish Sickness and Stress

Starting a new fresh water aquarium
Understanding Your Aquarium
Understanding Fish Sickness and Stress
Fish stress is one of the major causes of disease outbreaks in your aquarium. It is important to understand how fish are stressed, to keep a happy and healthy tank. The most common cause of fish stress is poor water quality often caused by the build-up of fish and plant waste.
Starting a new Fresh Water Aquarium
Setting up a new aquarium is a very exciting process and getting that process right from the word go will ensure a successful tank and happy fish. Here is a rundown of how to start your aquarium to make sure it has the best opportunity for success.
What does my filter do?
Your Filter is the most essential piece of equipment in your fish tank. Aquariums are a closed system and any waste or dirt produced by fish and plants remains trapped in the water, so if you do nothing about it the aquarium rapidly turns into an unhealthy sewer.