Nitrasafe Nitrate Remover
Use for: Reducing nitrate levels in any freshwater aquarium
Nitrate levels build up in aquariums because it is the main by-product of the biological filtration process (Nitrogen cycle). Tap water can also have high Nitrate levels from agricultural run off. Nitrasafe can be used to treat aquariums as well as pre treating water when refilling after a water change.
1 sachet of Nitrasafe can remove over 7000 mg of nitrate. 1 sachet will reduce nitrate from 100mg/lt to 50mg/lt in a 140 litre aquarium.
Nitrasafe is rechargeable with a simple salt solution and can be reused for several treatments
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- Test the nitrate level of your aquarium with an Easy Test Nitrate Kit.
- Place the sachet (see table right) into a filter, i.e. external canister filter, air powered box filter or internal power filter. If there is no appropriate filter in your aquarium, put the sachet in a position in the aquarium where water will circulate through the sachet (by the filter outlet). If the table shows that you will require more than one sachet to reduce the level of nitrate to an acceptable level, you may either add further sachets of Nitrasafe or alternatively follow step 3 below and recharge the sachet.
- Check the nitrate level in your aquarium every 24 hours. If the nitrate level is above the target level of 50mg per litre, then recharge the sachet as per the instructions under the ""more information"" tab and return sachet to the aquarium.
- Check the nitrate level of your aquarium every 24 hours, and continue to recharge until the nitrate level is below 50mg per litre. When your aquarium has reached the acceptable level, leave the Nitrasafe sachet in your filter or aquarium to continue to mop up Nitrate.
- Continue to monitor the aquarium nitrate levels fortnightly. If the nitrate level exceedsf 50mg per litre, then remove the sachet, recharge as per instructions and return to the aquarium
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