How to resolve Water Levels in a pond

What does it look like?
- Topping up more than normal
- Water level is dropping regularly

What are the fish doing?
- Fish may be gasping
- Swimming nearer the surface

What should I do?
- Top up with treated tap water when necessary - this will be more frequent in warmer climates
- If water loss is excessive consider looking for leaks in the liner or water courses
- If water loss is excessive and you have fish in your pond, treat with Stress Away and Pond Guardian Pond Salt to support fish and alleviate stress factors

Why does this happen and how do I prevent it?
Water levels in your pond will fluctuate, mainly related to warmer weather and increased evaporation. Evaporation on the whole is unavoidable in a pond environment however it can be reduced by increasing shade over the pond and reducing water flow in times of hot weather.
To combat water loss through evaporation you should regularly top up the pond using tap water treated with Fresh Start, these top ups should not replace your regular water changes.
If you suffer with evaporation in a pond with fish it is important to keep the water level topped up as evaporation may decrease oxygen levels. If oxygen levels are depleted you may see your fish swimming nearer or gasping at the surface of the pond. If the water level has dropped considerably you should support your fish with Stress Away and Pond Guardian Pond Salt to reduce the impact of the stress caused by deoxygenation.
If you fear there may be a leak in your pond it is important to find the hole in the pond liner which you can repair using the correct repair kit for your liner. You can usually find the hole along the water line at the level the pond water stops dropping.
What treatment should I use?

Blagdon Tap Water Fresh Start

Blagdon Wildlife Pond Tapsafe
For ponds without fish

Blagdon Clean Pond Pods - available in stores March 2020
To re-establish good bacteria as a preventative

Blagdon Bio Start
Use with any of the above

Blagdon Stress Away

Blagdon Pond Guardian Pond Salt
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